Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion SITE UPDATE.. New USA map

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  • #1279
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    The new USA members map is now active, not complete yet but will be brought up to date in a day or two.
    The numbers can really only be read comfortably at maximum zoom.

    On touchscreen devices (iphone/android etc.)….. double-tap the map to zoom in.
    The on-map controls (plus, minus, X) let you zoom in, zoom out, make full screen.

    On computer….. mousewheel or click map to zoom in or zoom out etc.


    I think a dropdown menu listing the states and then search by male/female is much better. Do not need map. Not useful configuration to list members.
    Regards, nyer

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    @nyer… Hi, thanks for commenting.

    But I disagree. I think a map is very useful. Most people are looking for a partner reasonably close by, a map gives them a quick way to see who is near and view those relevant profiles.
    Also, visitors to the site (ie. non-members) get to see how busy the site is, it gives them a “taster” of what’s here and hopefully encourages them to sign up.

    I might add a drop-down list of US States to the search-box on the front page soon, if that would help.

    If anyone has thoughts on the usefulness (or otherwise) of members-maps, then please comment below.

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • United Kingdom

    I think the maps are a marvellous idea. Hence why I ‘pushed’ for it, for so long. 😉


    The navigation tools obscure the members listed for NYC area. There is a limit to how many dots or numbers you can put on a map. You already have to enlarge it significantly to see the numbers. That being said thanks for making something free that helps us.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    @nyer… Yes you are supposed to zoom it to the maximum level to be able to read the numbers. If you make the map full-screen and max-zoom then the navigation controls do not obscure anything, you can drag the map around with your finger.
    I put your suggestion of a US-states drop-down menu out in a forum post, I like it, but so far nobody seems interested.

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