Search Members

(search age range)

(towns, cities, names etc.)

– After you click SEARCH, the results are displayed in order of LAST ACTIVE. You can change this to NEWEST REGISTERED by selecting from the small menu at the top of the results list.

– To search the USA as a whole, select country=USA and leave the U.S. states box blank.

– To search an individual U.S. state, simply select that state.

– “Find any word” lets you search for any word, anywhere in anyone’s profile. So it can be used to find towns, cities, locations, names, etc., as well as any word in the About Me section. It also works for partial matches – so, for example, searching for “LAC” would include matches for LACTATE, LACTATION, BLACK, LILAC, etc.

– Want a complete list of members? Click SEARCH with all options left blank. The results are displayed as “Last Active”, change it to “Newest Registered” if you prefer.

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