Esther Perel, the renowned psychotherapist and sexologist, often highlights how modern relationships are more challenging due to the erosion of community ties. Continue reading “Community: a necessary ingredient in finding & maintaining a healthy relationship”
Milk of Salvation: Isis’ Divine Gift of Breast Milk for Healing, Wisdom, and Vitality
Isis, the ancient goddess of Egypt, embodies the nurturing forces of nourishment, healing, and divine wisdom. Her sacred connection to breast milk weaves a seductive thread of symbolism across centuries and cultures. Continue reading “Milk of Salvation: Isis’ Divine Gift of Breast Milk for Healing, Wisdom, and Vitality”
Men’s fear of women: the real taboo behind adult erotic lactation
Throughout history, independent, powerful and confident women have often been cast as witches and prostitutes, Continue reading “Men’s fear of women: the real taboo behind adult erotic lactation”
Made for this: soul journeys & authenticity
It’s almost 2 am here in the Emerald Isle… I was going to share a different blog post, Continue reading “Made for this: soul journeys & authenticity”
Bible’s Most Erotic Love Poem – Solomon’s Song of Songs
Following on from my last post where I mentioned the Bible’s most erotic love poem, the Song of Songs, attributed to King Solomon, I’d like to share this beautiful video and a brief explanation to wish you all a beautiful day. Continue reading “Bible’s Most Erotic Love Poem – Solomon’s Song of Songs”
Where the mind is without fear
A few nights ago, under the moonlight and surrounded by winds that threatened to unleash a powerful storm, I received a poem from a dear friend and mentor, someone who has become the father I wish I’d had, despite the distance between us—he lives all the way in Canada. Continue reading “Where the mind is without fear”
Sex: the conversation we’re not having
Why do we have sex? Take a moment now and actually think about the reasons you have sex, then write them Continue reading “Sex: the conversation we’re not having”
Sometimes a Wild God
Sharing a poem by a friend and respected colleague, poet Tom Hirons on the wild god that lives in all men, and that really needs to be “let out”. Continue reading “Sometimes a Wild God”
I am Wildborn. Moonlight gratitude and reflections…
Good morning, everyone!
I’ve been truly moved by the comments and private messages some of you have sent my way. Continue reading “I am Wildborn. Moonlight gratitude and reflections…”
Honouring the feminine and milk during tonight’s blue supermoon…
The full moon has long been a symbol of mystery, power, and transformation in various cultures. Among the most captivating phenomena is the supermoon, which occurs when the moon is at its closest point to Earth, appearing larger and brighter than usual. Continue reading “Honouring the feminine and milk during tonight’s blue supermoon…”