At each lovely nipple?
If so, take your time
Don’t be hasty!
Cause they’re hidden discreetly,
Covered up rather neatly,
And I’m guessing they’ll be
Very tasty! 😊
(user profile is here)
ABF/ANR Dating & Relationships
Cause they’re hidden discreetly,
Covered up rather neatly,
And I’m guessing they’ll be
Very tasty! 😊
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
Whose hands wouldn’t shake
when unhookin’ em?
So keen to be kissin’
and suckin’ em 😊
Come snap him up quick ladies,
he’s ready for action…
Allez allez! Vite vite!
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
A lovely thick teat,
So luscious and sweet,
Just perfect for teasing
And flirting 😊
Puzzle removed
Puzz removed
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
May I join you in the water?
Cause I think you really oughta
Let me suckle lovingly
At each teat. 😊
If her bountiful bust
Drives you mad with lust,
Gives you dreams full of
suckin’ and lickin’
She kisses your face,
With a loving embrace,
For hours of pure
stress-relievage (…🤣)
(user profile is here)
Puzz removed
(user profile is here)
Her luscious breast
– It’s true, no jest! –
All yours for blissful feeding.
Puzzle removed
Puzzle removed.
Puzzle removed.
(user profile is here)
Puzzle removed
(Annie Lennox)
(Jiminy Cricket/Pinocchio)
Puzzle has been removed
She’ll touch your face,
With a warm embrace
And envelope you in love.
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
She’s caught me off guard,
Now I’m fully awake…
I’d rather be suckling all day! 😊