…she’s heard it before.
“You set my heart racing!”
…from fellas galore.
“I’ll love you forever”
…her deepest desire.
“Our lifelong endeavor”
…two souls will aspire.
ABF/ANR Dating & Relationships
“I’ll love you forever”
…her deepest desire.
“Our lifelong endeavor”
…two souls will aspire.
So, just one plucky fella,
Be bold, simply tell her:
You need her love,
Twenty-four seven. 😊
To suckle that teat
– Oh my, what a treat!
Her sweet essence
So warm and nutritious 😊
You know that my wish
Is to suckle and kiss,
Then between ’em be
Lovingly smothered.” 😊
Such sweet busty treasures
Made for your lusty pleasures,
Would you say I’m the
Perfect milk-maiden?”
(user profile is here)
Those luscious curves bring
The attention she deserves,
So for her this rhyme
Has been written. 😊
(user profile is here)
No point even trying,
A real hopeless endeavour!
You’ll just end up crying,
And you’ll regret it forever! 😊
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
Try to untie that knot
without your hands
shaking uncontrollably
in anticipation!
(Difficulty level: Impossible)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(Her profile is here)
(user profile is here)
Puzzle removed.
(user profile is here)
Let her know it really seems
She’s the woman of your dreams!
And for suckling she’s been
Perfectly designed. 😊
Puzzle removed.
This sweet nursing bond,
Oh my, so much pleasure!
Enjoy it all life long,
Could keep you together forever! 😊
(user profile is here)
Or your entire future
To cuddle, kiss & smooch her…
Would that better suit ya? 😊
(user profile is here)
Puzzle removed.
In your dreams each night
– Quite heaven sent! –
She lets you suckle to
Your heart’s content. 😊
(user profile is here)
You think you’d make a match?
Just hope she’d let you latch,
And taste the wonder
Of her sweet lactation 😊
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
His smile says it all-
He knows you won’t be able
to resist… Is he right? 🙂
(user profile is here)
A thousand soft kisses
Over my heavenly bosom,
Oh, it feels so delicious
Whenever he does ’em 😊
(user profile is here)
🎶 They come runnin’
Just as fast as they can,
‘Cause every girl crazy
’bout a sharp-dressed man 🎶
– ZZ Top
(user profile is here)
(Elvis Costello)
(user profile is here)