for a deep inviting cleavage?
Aww… you know exactly
what I mean!!!🙂
(user profile is here)
ABF/ANR Dating & Relationships
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
Your natural reaction
Will be deep satisfaction
When you’re sucking em
Right through the night! 😊
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
Now there’s clearly no fakin’
For a chance you’ll be achin’
Her glorious treasures
To plunder.
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
From the green Emerald Isle
With such feminine style,
Oh this lady is
Simply amazing! 😊
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
Top quality ABF material here
ladies, so don’t delay!
Shoot him a message! 🙂
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
So let me suckle to my
Heart’s content,
Are you an angel?
Or simply heaven sent. 😊
(user profile is here)
Such a sharp dressed guy.
Definitely ready for business.
…and a little pleasure too? 😊
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
Yes, she’s all of those!
Take a look and you’ll agree. 😊
You’ll be my life-saver,
I pledge Good Behavior!”
Didn’t believe me.
She just burst out chuckling. 😊
A real tough guy?
Naw, just a pussy-cat
… maybe that’s why he needs
your milk so much! 😊
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)
A fine figure of a man
…but what’s he doing
with his hands?
Suggestions below please! 😊
(thanks ABFheaven fella)
(user profile is here)
He’s going for an
all-over tan …
Any ladies care to lend
a hand with the sun lotion? 😊
(user profile is here)
Watch out girls!
As well as suckling,
this fella likes to enforce
a little discipline…
So are you ready to submit? 😊
Of this you can be sure
You’ll beg and plead for more
Just feast your eyes,
She’s such a lovely sight.
(user profile is here)
(user profile is here)