More Than Words: How Writing Erotica Awakens the Mind, Body, and Desire

From Secret Sin to Self-Love: The Liberation of Masturbation and Sexual Well-being

Awakening the Goddess Within: The Sacred Power & Divine Femininity in my Own Lactation Journey

Sacred Sexuality and Rituals to End the Year and Embrace the New

Unwrapping the Origins of Christmas: From Pagan Pleasures to Modern Traditions

Reclaiming the Goddess: Empowering Women to Embrace Their Sexuality

Healthy Sexuality: Embracing Our Shadows and Unlocking Authentic Desire

Ancient healing through gratitude and the divine feminine

Embracing the Liminality of Feminine Darkness for Transformation and Rebirth

Reviving Ancient Practices: Resurrection & Personal Benefits of Induced Lactation

Swallowing the sun: remembering the Celts and Norse in today’s eclipse

Black sheep heroes: dysfunctional families in childhood trauma and adult romantic relationships

Semen Retention: A Sacred Practice of Spiritual and Physical Balance

Community: a necessary ingredient in finding & maintaining a healthy relationship

Milk of Salvation: Isis’ Divine Gift of Breast Milk for Healing, Wisdom, and Vitality

Bible’s Most Erotic Love Poem – Solomon’s Song of Songs

Where the mind is without fear

Honouring the feminine and milk during tonight’s blue supermoon…

Sophia Unveiled – What to expect

New Report
