And maybe, God willing,
All yours to worship and kiss …
Wouldn’t life be so sweet!
Every day such a treat!
Filled with hours of suckling bliss. 😊
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ABF/ANR Dating & Relationships
Wouldn’t life be so sweet!
Every day such a treat!
Filled with hours of suckling bliss. 😊
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My heart has been captured yet again. Puzzle 1000, I am all yours.
Such a bitter sweet moment Puzzle #1000!!! Thank you to all that contributed to these beautiful puzzles. Your beautiful does not go unnoticed but is rather appreciated!!! Thank you all and now I must start at puzzle #1, fully complete the journey this time and not bounce around and cheat this time!
Such wonderful puffy pillows to rest one’s head.🤗
Thank you Miss 1000 for sharing.😉🤗🥰
Outstanding! Simply outstanding! What an honor to be Ms 1000!
Now to sit back and patiently wait for……. 1001!! 🙂
Thanks to all the ladies for sharing and to Michael for all of his hard work!
Ahh yeah love to suck a pair like that
heaven has arrived
Lookout!!! Avalanche!!!