La rareté de notre préférence en France

Personal Ads & Forum Personal Ads – Men Seeking La rareté de notre préférence en France

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  • #259742
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • France

    Je m’explique difficilement la raison pour laquelle si peu de femmes françaises semblent intéressées par l’ANR/l’ABF.
    Je ne dis pas que c’est inexistant, j’ai même vecu une belle relation. Mais je m’interroge concernant les raisons pour lesquelles il y a en proportion bien moins de femmes vivant en France sur ce site.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • France

    La barrière de la langue, la pratique moins bien vue, qui sait …


    Je dirais la barriere de la langue. C’est aussi le cas pour d’autres langues/pays…

    Jessa The Magical A cup🐰❤️
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Virginia

    Huh? I’m so lost 😂


    Jessa: the first gentleman was wondering why there aren’t many French women who are into ABF on this site…
    We believe it is due to language barrier as it is the case for other non-english speaking people…

    What are your thoughts?

    Jessa The Magical A cup🐰❤️
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Virginia

    Ty for the translation. Im not sure why. I’ve noticed seems more from the US are open to it. It’s a conundrum


    Part of it is all the Catholic guilt foisted on women, even if France is supposed to be a non-secular society. Its just so ingrained in our psyche and it takes a lot to overcome.


    ANR/ABF is based on sexual boundary management, it’s some low-key domestic discipline. It doesn’t appeal to anyone else. Cultures that are less uptight about sex and boundaries, that rely less on the dark triad of psychology to “get along” and make it through their day, will see less interest in ANR/ABF. There will be less of the psychological framework necessary to foment desire for it. The desire scales linearly with cultural rules and boundaries. If your culture is not over-boundaried sexually, ANR/ABF won’t appeal to the products of those societies as much.

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Iowa

    @openlatchkiss What a sad and limited view of abf/anr you have. While there is indeed a small subset of abf/anr that deals with “low-key discipline”, most abf/anr does not. Rather than make grand pronouncements about what abf/anr is, perhaps you might try expanding your experience.

    The actual question was why more French women are not on this site; the French gentlemen did not discuss that there was any lack of interest by French women, only that they are not on THIS SITE. Language barrier, as they discussed, truly is likely the reason. Their perception is likely more accurate than yours, no?


    C’est généralement dans les habitudes des anglophones de laisser de côté les francophones. Je pense que le biais est dû au fait que l’anglais est la principale langue des affaires. Il y a un biais inhérent. Je ne pense pas que ce soit fait exprès. C’est juste la réalité que nous pensons.

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