Euphoric anr- Dallas

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  • #54708

    I have been in ANR for over 20 years, and you would thing that I would have learned it all/seen it all. Well, like life, you just never know what can occur. Let me paint the picture:
    She laid down in her bed, on her back, with her top removed. I laid on my stomach, on her left side and positioned myself to be comfortable. She raised her left arm and laid it across my back as I got settled. I started with both of my hands on one breast, my thumbs underneath, massaging the muscles and areas where the breast can get soar from daily activities. As my hands massaged, my lips latched over the breast, my tongue sliding up and down her nipple. She breathed in deeply as she melted into the many pillows supporting her. Her left hand began to rub my back as the fingers of her right hand ran through my hair. I could feel the stress of the world, more specifically, my job, fading away, as if I had left the earth, moon, and sun behind. But alas, this was not the moment I learned from. Magical, absolute, but a common start. The Magic came as the massage ended:
    As my latch remained on her left breast, my hands fell away, and my left arm extended over her. She rolled into me and the snuggle began to take shape. I then reached up, my right arm under hers, and I found her head in my hand. She continued to roll onto her side, as my head laid down on her left arm. For some reason, I reached up with my left hand and also embraced her head. With my fingers, I began massaging her scalp. Her arms tightened around me, her hand pulling me into her breast, I heard her snort and exhale. I actually kind of laughed at that moment, but it passed. I continued to suckle as our legs intertwined. My left hand let go of her head, but she quickly reached back and forced my hand back to it. Her hand then returned to my head and her body quivered and tightened around me. This embrace may have lasted two minutes or thirty. Time was a distant memory.
    This continued for some time before the position naturally changed. There were several more passionate moments like this, but not near as intense. When it was over, she said the combination of the suckle and the scalp massage was a euphoric experience she has never had in her life.
    I learned something new that day


    Excellent anecdote. Especially with so much experience, a girl that’s just starting out in ANR would love her breasts to be suckled that way


    And she would deserve such as well 🙂


    Sweet – love it!

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