12 thoughts on “Rose’s Lactation Blog #14”

  1. I vaguely remember a mentor and great boss telling me once that if I didn’t make time for myself, no one else would. After 30 years of my getting caught up in the “group think” process of professionalism, I can totally relate. Hind sight being 20/20 now, I wish I’d have prioritized myself better.

    Best wishes in your new job Rose, please make sure you take time for yourself!

  2. Group thinking, brain storming and other such meetings can be more stressful than you think. ToT brings up a good point. Take care of yourself to stay in the game. Bring up that everyone else should do the same. You’ll be a “rockstar”. 😉😜😂
    Nicely laid out tables and massage regimen. Very organized.👍🏼

  3. I have been catching up on all of your post and I am blown away by the information. Thank you so much for sharing, you’re the real MVP. I was also wondering, if you self express in the bathroom what do you catch the milk in?

  4. Thank you Rose! Schedules can certainly be a road block in this process no matter how focused we are. I need to get Elvie out again to help!

    I’m so glad you are back – for you and for us!😍

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