A breastman like me certainly would be at a loss to decide with this woman’s amazing breasts! I could worship them, kiss them, or latch on and suckle the hours away. There’s also the fourth choice – to rest my head on them and dream. But what milky or comforting dreams should come to me?
Praise to this lovely woman, and t0 all those who are content to let us admire their natural wonders.
Beautiful. Could be milk-filled and needing suckling to be emptied. Thank you lovely lady.
Thank you.
A breastman like me certainly would be at a loss to decide with this woman’s amazing breasts! I could worship them, kiss them, or latch on and suckle the hours away. There’s also the fourth choice – to rest my head on them and dream. But what milky or comforting dreams should come to me?
Praise to this lovely woman, and t0 all those who are content to let us admire their natural wonders.
Nice tits