16 thoughts on “I recently enjoyed a wonderful session…”

        1. All I know is that she has been interested in ABF for a little over a year. I don’t know any other details, and I’d feel awkward asking. Wish I could be more help!

      1. Did the TENS help much ? I use mine for hours a day because I like how it feels and logically it makes sense that it would increase prolactin and get breasts ready to lactate. I can’t take dom so just wanted to know if you knew her opinion about the tens

  1. First of all, thank you Tim for sharing these videos of such a beautiful act!
    What a treat to see this and have our ABF desires come to life.
    Everything about them was just perfect; the lighting, camera position, everything!
    I especially love where she embraces your head as you nuzzle deeper.
    This would be some major caresses to my thirsty soul and hungry mouth if I were to be so blessed as you.
    I do hope you’ll put up many more like this of extended length.
    Well done!

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