Question for our lovely gentlemen..

Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion Question for our lovely gentlemen..

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  • #421083
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • United Kingdom

    I find everything about ABF/ ANR and breast worship fascinating but I only have my experiences and viewpoint to go off. For my slightly scientific and psychological mind I’m interested to know from our community of lovely gentlemen: what are the thoughts / sensations you experience when enjoying suckling?

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • Denmark

    that’s simple:
    a trance-like zen
    a euphoric bliss
    an erotic sensualness

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA

    Wow. Interesting someone is asking guys about their opinion on this site. I would like to thank you for taking time to ask men what they think about abf as most women believe the experience is all about them and they should be catered and they are the prize and that is why there are 3000 men here and like 500 womenm

    As for your question it has to do with the bond and respect for the person..most women have breasts so it’s not just the physical aspect as many women want men to believe it’s the connection and if you have no connection it doesn’t really matter

    But that’s my opinion


    Just imagine, once you latch it’s like you are leaving planet earth and going to a soft warm Heaven. Like the biggest warm hug you’ve ever had with an intense sensations that nothing could ever go wrong😊 Or even the feeling of when you are just about to fall asleep and everything is weightless and at peace! My most favorite feeling to think of when things go wrong. Especially if you have a loving bond with whomever is providing the breasts, knowing they are there to make things all better😌

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • United Kingdom

    What amazing responses guys. Great insight. 🥰 thank you for taking the time to answer. One thing I realised with my first experience is that I observed him disappear to a place where nothing else mattered and time didn’t exist. It is an honour to provide that for anyone I am lucky enough to share this experience with.

    Grogman 🚀💙
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Ohio

    Breastfeeding does a couple things for me.
    It gives me the opportunity to totally relax. Letting my guard down to her tender mercies. Time slows down and our focus narrows down to just her and I.
    It is a chance to interact with someone that shares a common desire.
    There is an eroticism about abf that I can dig. One part of enjoying each other.

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • United Kingdom

    Thank you Grogman. 🥰

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • New Jersey

    Have a a few experiences. When I was in an anr. It was something really special and intimate. When you are able to trust someone, and completely let go and drift away in the moment. It’s like nothing else.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Washington D.C. area

    What’s your scientific background?

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • United Kingdom

    @anritis I don’t have a scientific background. I said I had a slightly scientific mind. 🤓

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • New York

    It’s about letting go and immerse into each other. Becoming one in that blissful sensual togetherness.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    You know that relief you get, when you’re desperate to go to the toilet, and you’ve finally got access to one, after going a long time without access?

    Kinda like that, but better.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • California

    At the core, nursing sessions are like a full body and soul massage. I’m completely relaxed and connected with another individual. Disconnected from the rest of the world. It’s a rare opportunity for me to completely submit as well. There is satisfaction in that ability to trust myself to someone else, submit, and release my control and simply suckle and serve.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Texas

    For me, it’s the intimate trust and bond that does not exist in normal every day contact. Both people are placing themselves in very vulnerable positions, and exposing themselves in ways that cannot be done outside a loving, trusting and accepting relationship. It is only there that you can truly be at peace with someone while shrouded in acceptance.


    I’ve found myself getting excited but also calm, comforted and at peace all at the same time. It’s an experience like no other. It’s actually a time where my brain will take a break from thinking, almost meditative n totally be in the moment. Truly something that can only be felt and not described so well with words.

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