There was a good man from Qube,
Who drank the milk from his partners boob.
They once went to London,
his tummy was rumblin’,
So helped himself to a milky snack on the tube!
There was an old woman with two breasts
One pointed east and the other west.
This she finally discovered
When they were uncovered
By an eager suckler who was on a quest!
There once was a fine gent named Joe
Who went out to explore in the snow
He saw some nice bits
On a cold lass with big tits
And froze his lips on her nips at 10 below.
There she sat at her computer
Thinking very fondly of her new suitor
Working on yet another newsletter
She felt something under her sweater
Her suitor with his his mouth on her hooters
He asked the queen “what does it feel like”
His bright blue eyes clearly said “yike”
His question triggered a bulge
He felt he must indulge
He suckled sweet milk then said, “I’m Mike”