Community: a necessary ingredient in finding & maintaining a healthy relationship

5 thoughts on “Community: a necessary ingredient in finding & maintaining a healthy relationship”

  1. Just wanted to share what ANR is to me as a man. It is more than just desire and gratification. If you let it, it will be a deep connection with your feelings and a transformation into happiness. It really can be an introduction to a state of meditation. You might be more used to meditation as for instance transforming noise into silence. And my personal meditation transforming thoughts into colors and designs. If you let it, it will transform your feelings into happiness.

  2. I really appreciate this and hope Vegas went well, my regards to your lovely lady Nurturing Bosom. I wanted to log in last night to the audio but have a talk myself today and was unwell, so needed to be rested as much as possible. I think what you are sharing is beautiful but you also have to approach ABF/ANR for more than just the fetish component and I am sad to say many of the men that I have interacted with here as shared in our call with you both, simply are just not interested in anything else than just getting off. It’s sad…really sad, but I know not all men are like this and some I’ve had great conversations with as yourself. I hope that in time they can appreciate all it brings, this is why I wanted to do the blog, to put the soul back into it as many do not even give it a second thought but also show its origins and why it is so important.

    Wishing you both a great weekend x

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