TODAY: Live audio chat with Elayne, writer of the “Sophia Unveiled” blog

Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion TODAY: Live audio chat with Elayne, writer of the “Sophia Unveiled” blog

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  • #482309
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    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    Elayne will be hosting live audio chat in the main chatroom today Wednesday at 9pm ET.

    Please drop by to say hello!

    Elayne’s blog “Sophia Unveiled” is here.

    Elayne (Sophia Unveiled)
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • Other Country

    Thank you Michael, I saw this a few days ago but have been quite ill since we last had a catch up. I will be there today too, even if I sound like a duck XD
    So people, please come and say hi, maybe discuss some of the blog topics shared s far.

    Looking forward to seeing some of you this evening, Elayne (Sophia Unveiled) x

    Elayne (Sophia Unveiled)
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • Other Country

    Hello everyone, I am unwell this week so won’t be able to do the live audio tomorrow as usual but will be back next week, so do tune in at 9 pm ET next Wednesday as always.

    I will also reply to any messages then, as I am swamped with deadlines and in bed with migraines so struggling to look at screens.

    Elayne (Sophia Unveiled)
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • Other Country

    As always, I have survived 😉 …so far, and migraines are gone for now and my voice is back so I will be online doing the live audio chat this Wednesday at 9 pm ET as usual. I hope to see some of you there!

    Elayne (Sophia Unveiled)
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • Other Country

    I am taking a short break from live audio til February but will be back then and continue to publish weekly in the blog so please note. I will be online when possible but my time this year is quite limited due to studies.

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