Hello all. I have newly begun my journey to induce lactation. I have been pumping for several days and have never lactated before. (No kids). Yesterday while pumping I noticed that my nipples were wet with a clear liquid. I was able to express a small amount that actually squirted from my nipple. I am pumping again tonight and noticed the same clear liquid from both nipples. In doing some reading I believe it could possibly be colostrum. I read that it can start out clear in some cases. I am looking for some information and advice on if this seems normal and I should continue pumping daily. At this time I do not have a partner and since this is all new to me I was hoping for some direction. Thank you in advance for any advice or assistance!
One does not produce colostrum unless they’ve been recently pregnant. It’s likely just fluid clearing from your ducts. Also, colostrum is thick and creamy, not usually clear.