Made for this: soul journeys & authenticity

6 thoughts on “Made for this: soul journeys & authenticity”

    1. Thank you so much Ambrosia, indeed, there is a scholar whose work I treasure who writes about this; a clinical psychologist from Colombia University, Lisa Miller, who wrote “The Awakened Brain” and who’s done Youtubes with Deepak Chopra, known for his work in spirituality, less known for being a neurosurgeon! Depression & spiritual awakening: 2 sides of one door, I will leave it here

      To be happy and healthy we need harmony, of body, mind and spirit! I do not have all the things I wanted in life, and may never have them, but even so, I am happier than I’ve ever been and can keep getting up every time I’m knocked down like Freyja or indeed, rising from my ashes like the Phoenix because I have harmony of all three. I also know myself deeply, what I need and do not need/want and strongly connected to my soul and the universe, and all its creatures in it, as you know through my work with wildlife and marine conservation. I belong to life…

  1. Beautiful thoughts. The concept of rebirth remedies the sorrow that life is inherently painful, as our fate is to return to ashes. This reminds me of the Phoenix, the national bird of Lebanon. Beirut has been destroyed and rebuilt seven times throughout its history, reflecting the rebirth, renewal and immortality of a Phoenix.

    Each undulation of the sea’s waves, the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly, the snake shedding its skin and the phases of the moon, from new moon to full, are powerful examples of nature’s renewal cycles.

    Nature often serves as a sanctuary that mirrors existence, offering wisdom and meaning. Its cyclical patterns symbolize a daily opportunity for rebirth, a blessing that encourages us to embrace each day with renewed hope and purpose, transcending suffering into transformation.

    1. Thank you, I appreciate your kind words and what you have shared. Life is painful and unfair, but we can find great beauty in it too and amazing moments. I don’t regret all that happened to me, I don’t think I needed it to become who I am as I have always been this way BUT…maybe I did need it to lead me to where I am now in terms of life, geography and the people I allow in my life. That has been my transformation and walking away from things not meant for me. When we do this and have the strength to not “settle” and to say “no” to things not meant for us…life rewards us for following our heart and being true. I believe in this and also in the promise of hope that tomorrow brings. Every day is a blank new canvas…and I am excited about every single one that I may ever paint!

      I really appreciate you sharing these words and both of you for taking the time to watch and leave a message. It is so important to live at the body, mind and soul level. Especially in our personal lives, I hope to contribute to this with this blog and for all of us to keep sharing. Wishing you a great weekend!

    1. You are very welcome and thank you for your friendship and the supportive comments on my posts. I actually trained on the shadow and specialise on it, have some notes and things I can send your way too from when I did my Diploma on this, but in essence the shadow is what the black madonnas are all about, the repressed aspects of the self and what we are ashamed of. If we do not embrace them and acknowledge them, they take over and run the show.

      For example, many people are on here are too ashamed to confess their desire of ABF to their partners or that they have needs, due to society making this a taboo etc. But what is going on there is that by trying to suppress it, or find escapism by say watching porn or being on here but not really tackling the issue head on, for some people what they feel is becoming more impossible to manage and in many ways making them miserable. I have had quite a few men write and share this with me.

      Another example of the shadow for example is in women, where society teaches them to be submissive and not voice their desires or wants, some do, but not fully, because they are taught that desire is sinful eve with their partners. Sex is a touchy subject as often when associating it with women, women are made to look immoral and ashamed of having a shadow side. I know I was, we can see this in the archetypes. I was a homemaker a “Frigg” as opposed to a Freya in the Norse world or goddess Venus/Aphrodite/Lilith, a submissive doormat. Now, well I let these goddesses run the show at times and really run with it, wearing various archetypes as dresses to acknowledge the shadow.

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