Who wants to play a game

Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion Who wants to play a game

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    Piss up party, who do you bring? BennyBoyNZ 🍾

    *Car breaks down, who do you ring? Myself? I don’t know anyone that knows more about cars than I do. I’d probably cry to Grog though lol.

    *Secret crush and do they know? Adam, and I’m sure her knows it.

    *If you need an alibi, who wud give it? Ethereal Skies

    *Your caught by police doing something naughty, who do you ring to bale you out? Hope, I know she would bail me out and she’s about an hour away 🤣

    *You need a hitman, who would help you? Death by Snu Snu

    *You need help to hide a body, who would you call and what method would they advise? Lady V, and we’d sink it in a barrel to the bottom of lake Michigan.

    Grogman 🚀⚡️❄️
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Ohio

    @lusciousliz my friend, you can cry on my shoulder anytime. I have hugs to spare. 🤗🤗🤗

    Grogman 🚀⚡️❄️
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Ohio

    Very interesting premise. I see jail time in someone’s future, though I shall not mention his name, Mark.

    “Piss up party, who do you bring? CC and Suze.

    *Car breaks down, who do you ring? Liz, because she knows her shit!

    *Secret crush and do they know? This has changed many times. I’m so flighty. If I had to choose she is probably Bella.

    *If you need an alibi, who would give it? Way, he’s a nice guy and could illustrate the scenario.

    *You’re caught by police doing something naughty, who do you ring to bale you out? ToT, us vets have each others back.
    And front and bum and hoohah!😏😜😂🤣😘

    *You need a hitman, who would help you? No one here. I did a favor for a guy near Cleveland. Enough said.

    *You need help to hide a body, who would you call and what method would they advise? Probably that guy in “fried green tomatoes”. We’d make some of the best barbecue around. 😉😉


    *Piss up party, who do you bring? Well there we were at the pub – me and @juicyboobies, both with beads of sweat, nerves of steel, and wry grins searing into the cunning opponent across the table. Neither of us wanting to give way in the latest round of Drinker’s Chess, where each drink replaces a piece on the board with a marked shot glass preempting a player’s next move. As the night wore-on we got louder, more boisterous and far too colorful in giving our best to a game requiring impeccable use of The Six S’s (Skill, Strategy, Slight-of-hand, Shots, Sans Stammering: you stammer, take an extra shot) that was beginning to take its toll.

    Crazy waves of laughter and frivolity took over as none of our cheats were working in the least (and let’s be honest she was losing quite badly) which culminated in both of us saying “fuck it!”, so we doused each other with the remaining shots as rules demand! “When in Rome” as they say and with all the composure one could muster, she extended a gracious hand to me as a gesture to escort her up to the table, which I did to rounds of cheers and roaring applause from the very unreserved patrons. The place was alive jumping with suggestive music and lasciviousness that swelled through the room causing Juicy to uh “sing” at the top of her lungs and provocatively dance while kicking remnants or our game, drinks and dinner at the locals now ducking for cover in every direction.

    It was only a matter of time before the proprietor kicked us out on our arses; he was pissed and so were we but when Juicy landed, something unexpectedly happened. Out of the blue and just like that her bra and blouse burst wide open! The strain of holding some of ABFH’s most revered orbs was simply too great for the likes of feebly engineered garments that took a serious thrashing during her grand stint atop the world just moments ago. But the impact of landing outside was the final straw exploding the tattered remnants into a debris field scattered around us.

    Passersby simply shook their heads (it’s Ireland) while making their way into the night as we rolled in hysterics. Moments came and went like vapors passing innocuously when suddenly a familiar voice came up on our 6:00. The gentleman helped me up then focused his attention on the fair Juicy in all her glory. Without a word he extended his hand and with barely a bit of effort brought her mostly upright. It was @tuehlykv, from somewhere out of the night, it was crazy and he said “Let’s see what we can do about that”. Being the chivalrous sort he graciously maneuvered behind the maiden, wrapped his arms around her to ensure that ROI’s 8th and 9th wonders were held comfortably in hand protected away from prying eyes and the pervading chill.

    We walked (as well as we could) still dripping with rounds of alcohol toward my hired car when he started whistling the intro to Fly Love. It was perfect, the night was young and muted intervaled street lights with a crescent moon above embellished the ohhh sooo intoxicating mood. His accompaniment and my thoughts of the extremely virtuous @lvol had me singing soft and low as we made our way into the murky twilight. But there, just there up ahead was my hired car, hood open and someone toiling away on the other side that I couldn’t quite see. Meanwhile two of ROI’s Garda Síochána na hÉireann were waiting impatiently on the near side with batons rhythmically landing against an open hand – a warning shot to assert their authority. One of them watched us unwavering as we approached, and the other one was intently focused on the person at the other side of the car.

    We had such a great time in the pub that I completely forgot calling @lusciousliz – the resident ABFHHM (Hawt Mechanic) to fix a noise that had been festering under the hood. As you probably can imagine the sight of her bent over the engine bay, two miles of cleavage straining against an open blouse tied beneath her pendulous endowment; not to mention Michael and I escorting Juicy in her current state of undress and both of us pretty well soused and reeking of the pub was quite a scene to say the least.

    In the Republic of Ireland as elsewhere there are plenty of decency laws to observe, enforce and occasionally break on a whim… or two… or more. Such was the case here as we were being read the riot act while the cops sheepishly kept asking the ladies for photo ops, and if they didn’t oblige we were going to jail no questions asked. Yyyyeah ummm, right about now we need an alibi and we need it fast! We agreed it had to be @theway2377, teeming with layers of integrity inspired by the Camino de Santiago in Europe, there’s no finer gentleman on-site! Juicy tried snapping her fingers to magically have him appear but due to being four sheets to the wind she couldn’t quite manage the dexterity. Michael wasn’t going to lift a finger because let’s face it, his hands were overflowing with greatness and he wasn’t about to do anything otherwise. So Juicy said “Ireland, ES, ‘tis a magical plaace, jusss beleeve, snahp yer feengers tree tymes ahnd itll hahpen, I tell yeh itll hahpen, I swear”.

    The “aromatic” contact buzz emanating from my equally inebriated friend made me figure we had nothing to lose so, why not? In my drunken fog trying to maintain a sense of reality I did exactly as she said, and like an emissary from all that is right and clean and good, there he was, right there by the cops already explaining everything! How one can easily analogize drunken debauchery and nudity into a clearly understood service to the greater community was otherworldly! Clearly this man has skills! And within moments they, the cops just turned and left as if Way performed some kind of Jedi mind thing on them! It was surreal, it was fantastic and uncanny I mean Juicy was right, Ireland absolutely IS a magical place filled with wonder, intrigue and pubs storied through the annals of time!

    And there we were the five of us, a quietness had settled in, and the women were still proudly displaying two magnificent pair of the many reasons and great relationships that drew us to the site in the first place. Opportunity was knocking loudly and with all of us devoted to furthering the beautiful splendor of bio art, we agreed it was indeed the perfect setting to enhance the ABFH Archives. Admittedly we were more than awestruck by the sheer knowledge and power wielded by Liz to start the car with jumper cables connected in a rather um… uh… “novel fashion”. She then reminded us of her Christmas puzzle babe extravaganza which of course set our minds thoroughly at ease. Hence with steady hands and a careful eye Way (who’s a very creative artist) got absolutely stunning pictures of Juicy in her new living bra, and I naturally set Liz’s alluring curves to posterity coming hopefully one day to a puzzle here at ABFH.

    Eventually we poured into the car and Way drove us to my hotel; however, somewhere in route Michael nonchalantly blurted that he has a secret man-crush on @steph75, and the rest of us agreed that naturally anyone would! But strangely just then my phone rang, and it was the same two guys that threatened to bust us earlier for (BIDE) Beyond Incredibly Decent Exposure, among a litany of other charges. Obviously Way’s Jedi mind thing wore off a bit early so we needed someone to take care of the aftermath lickety-split.

    Harkening to the wisdom of @lotus (another creative artist) we knew there was only one choice to get this done straight away once and for all. Rumored to have top secret clearance at Sandia Labs, Los Alamos, Langley, MI6 and Interpol, there was but a single man for the task. His exploits at home and abroad are legend in the intelligence community, and news of his onscreen aliases circle the globe like peregrine falcons in a high wind. Currently – as of this writing – known as @showerthoughts with an unparalleled ability to get the job done without a trace and somehow vaporize from the LZ, then appearing moments later thousands of miles away. I made it clear to this man of mystery that I wanted absolutely no prejudicial deaths of any sort to which he agreed. It was maybe five minutes later that Michael was checking his phone only to find two new candidates clamoring to have their memberships validated right away from Ireland and begging to give healthy sums of cash to the cause!

    All in all, another great evening.



    Lol 😂 always courteous. To the man you’re whacking? How does that work?

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA

    *Piss up party, who do you bring? – Benboi
    *Car breaks down, who do you ring? – Elizabeth, she is amazing
    *Secret crush and do they know? – not saying and no
    … it’s a big secret)
    *If you need an alibi, who wud give it? – Ellie, she has my back
    *Your caught by police doing something naughty, who do you ring to bale you out? – Michael or WaterLilly
    *You need a hitman, who would help you? – Lady V! She is protective and its the quiet ones they would least suspect!
    *You need help to hide a body, who would you call and what method would they advise? – Treasure Chest, nothing that woman doesn’t know!!!

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