What could be the ultimate “How to” on ANR Relationships

Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion What could be the ultimate “How to” on ANR Relationships

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    Last night I came across a great article on how to create & nurture a great ANR relationship.

    The author gives his consent to share it with groups. Here’s the link:

    Adult Nursing for Married Couples

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    Alright, I’ll be the first to chime in on this. We all know that there are “no guarantees in life”. That said, according to the author’s 10 “lactation indicators”, our ladies here may wish to take note in particular of numbers 3 & 6, each of which, in theory, are good for an increase of one cup size. Follow the guidelines and go from a D to a DDD? Only one way to find out if this actually works.

    Just don’t shoot the messenger 🙂


    Of course, pointing out the thing that interests you most, huh Vin?

    I found that the article had some similar points as The Art of Lactation: The Loving Milk Maid’s Complete Guide to Making Milk for the Adult Nursing Couple by Jennifer Elisabeth Maiden but that the focus was from the nursing partner’s perspective, instead of from the lactating partner’s.

    The author of the article goes into detail on techniques for nursing/suckling and unclogging blocked ducts. It seems to be a good resource and worth a read.

    Good find, Vin!

    PS The Guide is a quick read, a wonderful resource for anyone who is thinking of inducing!

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    Hi Eve,

    Name something in this world more alluring and beautiful than a woman’s breasts….ahhh. I therefore proudly plead “guilty as charged!”


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    Almost forgot to mention that perhaps the biggest eye opener of all is the author’s assertion, in the his follow up piece “Successful Nursing Techniques”

    In the second paragraph, he states “It may be even possible to start (lactation) from scratch and bring about full lactation in as little as six weeks. These techniques and methods do not use drugs or artificial pumps so put them away, you don’t need them.”

    Quite a statement! I wonder if any of our ladies here have ever been able to induce without the benefit of a pregnancy, pumps or drugs?


    There is so much more substance to the article, though! By focusing on that superficial anecdote, I almost dismissed the idea of reading the article before I ever gave it a chance. I want people to know that the value is there for any couple– not just those looking to go up a cup size or two 🙂 You found a gem, Vin, and there are some gems that look best when viewed from specific angles. Otherwise, you can miss their beauty.

    If there is anything that everyone here believes, it’s that boobs are awesome XD

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    Totally agree Eve. The added cup size thing is nice, if that’s part of the goal, but that aspect pales by comparison to what a man & woman can do together when completely focused on the upside of their ANR. No doubt it’s a lot of work, but the rewards sure sound worth striving for.

    Hell, this ain’t ditch digging 🙂 Put me in coach!



    LOL Sorry Vin, I missed your previous post, my internet seems to be slow on the refresh at the moment… You totally acknowledged the article’s qualities. I want to know the answers to your query about inducing, as it is a journey I am hoping to take without using drugs.

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    If this author so matter of factly states that a woman can figuratively go from “zero to sixty” in terms of induction, in a matter of 6 weeks, without pumps or drugs, I suspect that may be true for at least “some” women. Perhaps someone here will come forward to tell their induction story.



    Yes I was able to achieve location with just a pumping routine and natural herbs

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    Hi Debbie,

    You get a gold star! How long did it take?



    Vincent! What a great article and resource. Thank you for sharing the link!


    But looking at the tag on my bra yesterday noticed 42F US is a 42 E in UE

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