Minor update…
– an extra feature has been added to the puzzles from #834 onwards.
– each time you solve the puzzle, there’s a one in ten chance you’ll be awarded a “boost” which gives you an automatic time reduction for that puzzle. Think of them as random “spot prizes”.
– they are represented onscreen as cherry, grape, melon, strawberry & peach – and they will reduce your completion time by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% respectively.
– five boosts available per puzzle.
– if you win a boost, you can’t win any more for that puzzle.
– boosts are awarded in order, lowest to highest.
Hopefully, this will…
– give users who are not the quickest a better chance of getting onto the top-ten leaderboard.
– and also to introduce a tiny element of gameplay: because you can only win one boost per puzzle, to win a higher value boost you might consider a strategy of tactical “watch & wait” til the lower value boosts have been won. Careful though! …your competitors will likely be watching & waiting too …😀