Older ladies who lactate for their partners.

Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion Older ladies who lactate for their partners.

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  • #335505
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    Hi everyone,
    I’m interested to know of any ladies who lactate and feed their partners in their 60s.
    My gorgeous 64 year old partner has been trying to induce for a year now. She pumps regularly and takes herbal pills. I encourage her all the time as this is what she wants.
    She has the most gorgeous breasts and I suckle every day. Any advice would be much appreciated especially from ladies of similar age.

    Nurturing Bosom
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Oregon

    Great post and glad to see you supporting your partner. I am in my 60’s and so is my husband. We will be starting a couples support chat and blog soon. Please reach out with any questions and hope your partner will also join the group so we can chat directly with her.

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Illinois

    NB count me in as a reader.

    I am 66 and trying to induce for 6 months now, I see signs of progress but nothing yet. I would love to be part of a support community for those of us crazy enough to embrace lactation at a shall we say a”mature age”.

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • California
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male & Female
    • United Kingdom

    My Mum-in-law is in her 70’s and has been lactating to some level now constantly for over 50 years, still feeding my Dad-in-law up to 8 times a day and currently producing over a litre a day. When she wants/needs to increase her supply, she finds pumping one breast, while her husband suckles the other and then switching plus a week of taking Domperidone can double her supply in about 2 weeks.

    I know some women won’t/prefer not to take the medicicines (don, meto etc) but they really can be that boost needed when inducing.

    Agent Rose
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Oregon

    Is she on other prescription medication? Those could sometimes have a drying up effect.



    Thank you, that is a very specific, helpful article and resource.

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