Novel research: How does it feel to receive milk?

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    Hi everyone,

    I’m a writer based in Australia, currently researching for a novel exploring the psychological benefits that can come from ANR.

    I’m not interested in finding an ABF or ANR partner, but would love to gather insights on what it feels like to receive milk as an adult. My main character is a woman in her thirties who enters into ANR as the receiver. It’s not a sexual relationship, but rather part of an alternative mode of psychological therapy. I want to write it as realistically as possible, so am looking for details to help me imagine the physical and emotional experience of ANR, anything from the mechanics of a session to emotional breakthroughs and unexpected anecdotes.

    Some of my burning questions include:

    – How does the taste of milk vary from different people at different ages and / or times of day?

    – What does it feel like in the mouth before the letdown, during the letdown and as the breast empties?

    – Is it messy? Do you get milk on your clothes?

    – Is the milk filling?

    – What do you eat before or after? How does food taste either side of a session?

    – Is it better or worse to be hungry before a feed?

    – How does your emotional experience change through the different phases of feeding?

    – Is there a feeling of dread when the breast empties or satisfaction?

    – How do you position yourself during feeding? Does your neck get sore or arm go numb?

    – What kind of communication is there between nurser and nursee during a session?

    – How do you avoid a teeth-nipple situation?

    – What’s the best thing about nursing as an adult? What’s the worst?

    – Has anything funny or sad or unexpected happened before during or after a feed?

    These are just some thought starters to give you an idea of the kind of detail I’m looking for. Any insights you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

    I’m so fascinated by the world of ABR and ANR. Thanks for having me here. Everyone has been so kind.


    fix it man
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    I am waiting in anticipation for the replies that will be coming for this topic. It sounds like a must read when it is completed.

    Alpha Wolf
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    I will be very interested to read the responses and the book.

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    Hello F. I am Sam and have never tasted milk from the source yet. I have some pictures in my mind that may help you some with you book.

    One of the most tender thoughts I have about nursing is the few times I have fallen asleep while nursing. It was really embarrassing for me, but I am so taken by how my partners have all been so sweet and beautiful about it. I expected they would be disappointed and maybe a bit cross, but it was actually the opposite. I am a very gentle partner and my partners appreciate that.

    Usually, it happenens after a longer day for me. My partners are so attentive and loving to me while nursing. It is easy to stay awake for the first while but it something settles in after a while. Nursing is very calming and relaxing… and that doesn’t make consciousness easier. She will continue her loving caressing, even while I drift off. My sleep phases are short-lived. But I have been impressed at my partners’ responses. I have never had a negative response to falling asleep while nursing. I have never felt it coming on before. I am nursing and she is caressing me. I wake up with her breast in my mouth and so I continue to nurse when I realize I still have a purpose there with her. It doesn’t take me long to figure out the situation at all again.

    But my partners’ response is what has been so refreshing and exciting for me. Without an exception, my partners have been so loving and caring toward me even when I fall asleep. They seem to enjoy that part as much when I’m conscious. I know the vulnerable state I’m in moves them a lot, but the tenderness of it makes me melt. They look down so sweetly at me. Sometimes they will kiss my forehead hoping the little jostle will be encouragement to continue. But she 9s content to just hold me in her arms for a while. I am curled up there, her breast in my mouth (as it should be), safe from anything hurtful or unpleasant. She loves the rightness of this time. I usually cup her other breast with my free hand to keep it from getting colder as I nurse the other. It feels so right there. And I am so grateful that she has chosen me again to partake in her loveliness. She is so giving and so beautiful in how she shares with me. I must be the luckiest guy in the world to get to share this beauty with her. I usually only fall asleep for about 2 minutes and then I am back to nursing. But if I am tired enough to sleep then, I probably will fall asleep again soon. But now I know that there is wonder and beauty even in falling asleep at her breast. She cherishes it just like my conscious nursing. She loves to have me there and ALL of it is beautiful. She gives so much to me. And I pray that my part of participation is equally as beneficial. I have no idea how it could be, but… I hope it is.

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    Hey Florence,
    A lot of these answers can be found through basic internet research but when it comes to the emotional side and physical feelings this group is a great place to start.
    I have nursed 3 partners both “wet” and “dry”. Dry nursing of course is when the breasts are not producing milk and of course wet nursing is when you are producing milk. There are 2 stages to breast milk. The full fat which is rich in protein and vitamins and minerals that build a body and the skin which is rich in antioxidants and immunities for the support and maintenance of the immune system. Milk produced over night is rich in proteins and vitamins while milk produced throughout the day is higher in melatonin which helps people sleep. All milk produced carries small amounts of oxytocin (feel good hormone), so people are literally milk drunk and happy or sated.
    There are enzymes in spit which acts like a recipe for the “correct” or necessary formula for the person receiving milk.
    When a woman is wet nursing she needs to drink at least an extra gallon of water a day. Eating galactagog rich foods help increase breast milk production as well as increase the nutritional value. Fish/ oatmeal/ nuts/ coconuts water/ brighter colored fruits and veggies.
    I have a bunch of information I can share in regards to the production process and I know what it is like from the aspect of nursed on. Would be happy to share my thoughts and experiences through DM.
    The emotional aspect I would be happy to share as well. Some of the other ladies I am sure would be happy to help.

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    – What kind of communication is there between nurser and nursee during a session?

    There is sometimes verbal instruction needed for a new or beginner nurser, as to the quality of the latch, or the positioning of the body for greatest comfort for both. During nursing, there are sighs and moans from both the nurser and nursee, the sounds of suckling and swallowing. I had a nurser who would fall asleep and sometimes begin to snore (!…lol). Sometimes there are excited sounds…ohhh, ahhh…mmmm from either or both parties when a stream of milk begins to flow, especially when trying to induce together. One or both might verbally communicate that it is time to switch breasts to the other side. Afterward, there may be a kind of intimate pillow talk about the nursing session, or moving into more sexually oriented conversation as to achieving sexual satisfaction or gratification, if that is desired by one or both parties.

    I hope this helps your research.

    • Female
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    Thank you! I hope so.

    • Female
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    Thank you 🙂 same here

    • Female
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    Hey Sam, thank you for this tender insight. It’s opened a pathway in my mind and almost makes me feel like I’m there. I’m so grateful for your generosity.
    As someone who has breastfed two (now school aged!) kids I know it’s just as special for your partner.
    Thank you again, truly.

    • Female
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    Hi CM, this is such a helpful insight. Thank you. I was so ignorant about milk during my feeding years as a parent. This is a great reminder to reintroduce myself to the biological intelligence of milk. I’ll be in touch via DM in the coming days.
    Thank you for the generous offer to share.

    • Female
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    • Australia

    This is so vivid and beautiful! Thank you. It’s extremely helpful. I’m imagining the combined effort of the climb towards milk flow. How joyful and celebratory it must feel when it happens.
    The snoring. Oh god, yes. Such a perfect detail.
    Thanks again x

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