Medication causing lactation

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  • #454199
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    So I have a friend that got put on some meds and shortly after that she started producing milk (she isn’t know this was gonna happen) she and her partner tried it. She told me she will let me try some but gave me a warning that it doesn’t taste good. Is that normal? Imma still do it but just curious

    T J
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    • Pennsylvania

    Depending on the medication, it can be transferred through the breast milk. So you might want to research the drug to determine whether it’s safe to breastfeed while taking it. Otherwise you might get a bonus and share in whatever drug (and it’s side effects) that she’s taking.

    #1 Steve
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    Tread carefully! If you indulge, be ready to wear a training bra and nursing pads.

    Enjoy explaining to the doctor what caused the onset, or they will start searching for a pituitary gland tumor.

    • Male
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    • Michigan

    Yea she said she gonna ask her doctor about it first to see if it’s safe lmfao

    • Female
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    There are several medications out there prescibed for their side affects, and some side affects will be newly discovered as more and more drugs become available.

    One medication in particular, (lactation) Domperidone is commonly known to specifically lactate but it is not FDA approved and it is very controversial.

    Other medications taken for other purposes, like blood pressure meds cancer medication, heartburn, anti vomiting and nausea to name a few. All These medications have been on the market for years, decades even and most providers are aware of their common side effects including
    antipsychotics, Such as Risperidone. Every symptom I mention up above has been prescribed for whatever sypmtom and also has been reported as a side effect of lactation.

    Reglan, morphine, Risperidone, verapamil to name a few.

    The flavor of the milk.. is usually dependant on diet. Smoking can cause a bitter flavor as well as red meats. Spicy, garlicky, processed foods can create salty taste too. Knowing what you eat and increasing water will help keep the body hydrated and less condensed.

    Hope this helps.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Michigan

    That’s very interesting. Thank you

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