Looking for that special bond.. (France)

Personal Ads & Forum Personal Ads – Men Seeking Looking for that special bond.. (France)

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  • #502050
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • France

    Hi, i’m George 31 years originally from Switzerland.

    I’ve got into ABF/ANR 5 years ago and couldn’t spend a day without thinking about it since then.
    I love the softness of it, the deep bond that it creates, and most of all I love making myself available for my partner’s pleasure.

    This is what gives me the thrill, listening to her and her reactions to give her the most unforgettable suckle.

    I’m open to a lot of things to experiment with her, explore her unconsciousness to find and give her what she always wanted around the ABF/ANR. Whatever crosses her mind I wanna be able to realize it for her and her pleasure.

    I’ve already found a partner on this website a couple years ago and we had a fabulous adventure, we had to end due to different circumstances, specially for the fact that she moved on the other side of the globe.

    I’m ready now for a new partner, I’m looking soir someone in Europe. I’m currently in France for work but I travel everywhere in Europe and I can travel more often if I find the right partner.

    Please feel free to PM me, I’m more than open to chat about it and see if we connect.


    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • France


    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • France


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