Has anyone ever ended a relationship in order to pursue an ANR?

Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion Has anyone ever ended a relationship in order to pursue an ANR?

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  • #1398
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    That’s what I’m currently in the middle of. Although there are other issues besides, and my current partner and I just aren’t getting along any more, I’ve decided that being in a committed AN relationship is too important to me. That it’s something that I am determined to find in future.

    I know there are a lot of people that pursue ABF as a kink and each to their own, etc) but for me I feel a strong need to be in a committed, long-term ANR. It feels fundamental.

    I wonder if other people out there feel similarly and perhaps have been in similar positions?

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    This is a VERY interesting question! I haven’t, but it must be an awful dilemma if you are in that situation. Especially if you really care for your partner, but can’t live without the ANR aspect. Very difficult.


    I’ve had before with an ex that as her milk dried up she became much less interested in nursing in general which put more of a strain on the relationship at least for me. Made me so sad as half the reason I enjoyed it was her enjoyment. We met on the original of this site 2 years ago. The layout was the exact same

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    It really is a big dilemma that makes you Euston yourself and your priorities…

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • Australia

    Good on your for determining what you want and not settling for less.

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