Attention NYC NYS suckers

Personal Ads & Forum Personal Ads – Women Seeking Attention NYC NYS suckers

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  • #482929
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • New York

    Are there any ddf single men in nyc nys who are solely looking for a ddf single woman to build an anr abf, and are not looking for a woman to be their sub, fwb, etc.? Just breastplay, suckling, helping to induce, etc.? No sex, no pressure, no obsessesive behavior, no bdsm, etc. Asking for a friend.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • New York

    Good luck. Hope you do find him.
    Too bad we have big age difference.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA

    Queen4suckers, first and foremost, I apologize for the frustration you may have with this site. I am from the ny/nj area and would be delighted to befriend you. I can’t speak for all men on here but some men do not mean to come off as the things you mentioned. Some men on this site have good intentions to befriend women to learn more about the lifestyle on and offline.

    Feel free to message and if not, wish you the best on this site.

    The Way
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • New York

    Hi Queen4suckers, I live in NYC and am looking for a ddf single woman to build anr. Feel free to message me if you or your friend are interested.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Massachusetts

    Almost close enough. Sorry. I feel the frustration.
    If you are ever in MA, or just wanna commiserate with someone in a similar situatuon, by all means message me.
    Good luck!

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