ATL Georgia meet up interest–M4FFFF

Personal Ads & Forum Personal Ads – Men Seeking ATL Georgia meet up interest–M4FFFF

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  • #335342
    Bill ATL
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Georgia

    Hi all you Atlantian-Sandy Springian-Vining-Smyrnian, etc fems and sucklers who are into this amazing, nurturing lifestyle…

    This long-time/life-time ABF enthusiast has been dreaming of a get-together of fellows so we can establish and build a strong scene here in this beautiful city and this beautiful community.

    ***No discrimination of any kind, nor is.any tolerated PERIOD–we all are interested in the same thing and appreciate each other***

    All we ask is:
    –be sane, be discreet, and be DDF
    –be willing to provide proof-of-ID
    –be willing to chip’in on club costs occasionally
    –be willing to spread the word and build the hype

    DM me for more information, but let’s make ATL more like ABF’L!

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male & Female
    • USA
    • Georgia

    Wonderful idea

    Bill ATL
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Georgia

    I thought so, too! I’ve been to one before in another city and it was a wonderful experience for everyone there, so why not ATL too?

    I’m sure there’s a healthy scene we can build. All we need is a critical mass, a free afternoon, and a nice, relaxing place so that everyone feels comfortable and special.

    Relaxing, special spot for ATL ABF

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male & Female
    • USA
    • Georgia

    Looks like you found the place…

    Bill ATL
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Georgia

    Lol, that would be a cozy spot, right? Beautiful view for a beautiful activity.

    On another note, thanks to those who have reached out–looks like even travelers-through are interested in the group forming and having gatherings.

    Keep the DMs coming if you’re in the ATL area and are interested. Let’s see if we can’t get one scheduled asap. I know sucklers’ mouths are dry and breasts are waiting!

    Bill ATL
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Georgia

    Ok ATL ABF enthusiasts!

    Thanks for reaching out. I’ve gotten DMs from nearly a dozen total. Expecting a yield of 25-50% until we can really build the buzz, that means 3-6 individuals will likely be getting together soon. That’s actually a great number to develop a core group.

    Seems like the interest is 50/50–meaning “get going NOW!” and “let’s develop naturally”. As patience is a virtue, let’s aim on late Oct as a first gathering.

    More to come, but if you know anyone who even miiiiight be interested, send them my way to get on the list!

    ATL sucklefest will come. Build it, and they will come 🙂

    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Florida

    Keep me in the loop and I’ll drive up that weekend…🥰

    Bill ATL
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Georgia

    Awesome, Sissa!

    We’re still trying to get a critical mass…I have approximately a dozen still who have stated interest, and again, 25%-50% yield in all seriousness gets us to 3-4 people total so far. Not quite enough for a big gathering, but might as well start with something small?

    Would anyone be opposed to a small half-dozen person gathering at this point? I think we’ve got enough for a first go. If nothing else, we’ll learn what works best and what can be revamped for go-#2!

    Bill ATL
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Georgia

    Well! I heard from some people, but the balance is very skewed at the moment to out-of-towners who would need to travel sometimes long distances from ATL to make a get-together.

    That will complicate a gathering, but maybe there’s enough buzz to setup a date this spring?!

    Here are some preliminary sticking points:
    — the gathering will be focused on consent; NO means NO
    — the gathering will be an everyone-pitches-in event; cost-sharing
    — the gathering does NOT guarantee that two people click; nature is smarter than each and all of us together

    If you’re still interested, please reach out! The past few months have been crickets from the ATL community. Let’s build it up!

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