ANR and the Free Spirit- Dallas

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  • #487739
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Texas

    As I walked from the truck towards the front door, I saw a woman emerge from the side of the house. She was wearing a white summer pool robe and was barefooted, walking through the yard. I had never been invited for tea before, but I was looking forward to the experience.
    She walked right up to me, “Kevin?”
    I smiled, “…and I assume, by your picture, profile, and videos, you are Alicia?”
    She waved me off, “Well I am not sure about that, but I found you in the yard first, so I stake my claim to you!” I laughed as she said, “Follow me. It is such a beautiful day, I thought we could have tea on the back porch.”
    We walked through gate and around to her large back porch. She had the tea set up on the white rot iron table. As I looked around the fenced back yard, I notice an extremely large white hammock strung between two sizeable live oaks. It was loaded with blankets of pastel colors, and one very large white one. I was sensing a theme. This woman liked white.
    As we sat down, she reached over and grabbed a garden hose. She pressed the lever on the nozzle and washed all the dirt and grass from her feet. Afterwards she pointed it at me, and with the most serious look and tone said, “Now pour the tea.”
    I was actually a bit stunned. I did not know what to say. But thankfully she tossed the hose away, laughing, “I will pour the tea silly.”
    She was quite the free spirit. She stood and poured the tea for herself and me. As she sat down, I reached over and took a sip. The tea was rather strong. As a Texas boy, I am use to sweet tea, not the English stuff. This had quite the strong kick. As I sat the cup down, she turned a bit in her chair and put her feet up in the chair beside me. I could tell that she had a faithful relationship with a nail salon, as her feet were very well taken care of. In addition, it appears my glance at her feet was more of a stare as I made these observations.
    As she took the cup from her lips, she said, “You can touch them if you wish.”
    My nerves fluttered a bit. I mean yes, we had conversations about these types of passions, but to hear those words spoken outload in such a situation, it can be a bit exciting.
    I reached over as she drew them back, playfully. “It would be better if you sat on the patio dear.”
    I playfully smirked as I slide from my chair and sat down on the patio. “Push the chair to the side and sit a bit closer,” she instructed.
    I did as she said, as her right foot was placed into my lap. I gently began massaging it as she moaned softly. “Good boy…”
    I don’t know what it is, but just hearing ‘Good boy’ makes me want to do better. There is something in the phrase that reenergizes me and makes me desire to just give more of myself. Perhaps it the recognition or praise.
    As I continued to massage her foot, she asked, “Have you always been submissive?”
    I bent my eyebrows as my head tilted. “I suppose I have. As we discussed on the phone, my opinion on ‘girls being better than boys’ started around the fourth grade. But my true submissive side really came out in junior high when I met Misty K…”
    …Suddenly she lifted her foot and pressed her toe into my mouth. Instinctively my lips reached out and closed around it, welcoming it inside. My tongue swirled around it as my lips slid down to its base. She let out a long sigh as she said, “Do you know how long it has been?!”
    I cradled her foot with my hand as I passionately sucked on her large toe. I took my time to slowly tongue bath it. She slumped a bit in her chair as she melted into the sensations.
    Slowly my lips retracted as my tongue extended to lick the underside of her toe. She watched, with her lips parted and her eyebrows curled upwards. My tongue slide along the inside her toe, to lick in-between. She playfully squeezed my tongue with her toe as she giggled. My tongue then slid along the inside of the next tow until the tip crossed my lips, and my lips closed around it, welcoming it into my mouth for bathing and sucking.
    This continued from toe to inside to toe until I had made it all the way to the end and back to the big toe.
    Afterwards I lifted her foot as my tongue slid along the bottom of her foot, bathing it. One lap after another, slowly, as she moaned and enjoyed, until the bottom and top of her foot had been completely tongue bathed.
    As she retracted her foot, she handed me the next one. I playfully said, “Well we can’t let this one be jealous, can we?”
    She raised one eyebrow, “Would you only suckle one breast?”
    I answered her question by sliding my lips over her big toe and completely repeating the foot worship. She laughed, “Good answer boy….”
    I thought the foot worship was over, when she drew back her second foot, but then the first foot was returned to me. She looked at me playfully, “I bet you did not see my third foot?”
    I looked at her equally as playful, “Well I certainly did and we can’t leave that one out!”
    She looked at me with passion, as she watched my lips once again slide down her big toe…
    This game continued though the other foot as well, until she withdrew her foot for the last time. The look on her face was less amused and more serious, “So, shall we go snuggle in the hammock?”
    I did not really know what to say. Most of the time I have the woman lay in the middle of a bed, then position myself to her, so she is comfortable, supported, and relaxed. I looked at her, “I have never been in a hammock with anyone before.”
    “Well, once in, you will be trapped. Are you ok with that?”
    I nodded my head yes as she lowered her head in a smile and stood up, “Well, let’s get to it.” She walked past me, “Come boy….”
    I stood, but suddenly my right leg gave way. It was asleep! I could not help but laugh as it both hurt and tickled. She turned as I gasped, “My leg is asleep!”
    She laughed and walked back to me, stepping on my foot. I shrieked as she laughed. “Awake yet?” She joyed at stepping on my foot and watching my own body tickle and torment me. Finally, the sensation passed and she took me by the hand and led me to her hammock.
    She climbed in as she tossed the big white blanket aside. She laid on her back, using the other blankets as padding. Once she was settled, she looked at me and bit her lower lip. “No one has suckled at my breasts for nearly ten years. I have had lovers, but no one has paid them much attention. Will you be easy on me?”
    I smiled and looked at her softly, “I will be gentle and soft. This is about passion and euphoria.”
    She eyed me closely as she untied her robe and allowed it to fall to either side, displaying her two very abundant and beautiful breasts to me. They were large, with very large areolas and long pointed nipples. The gentle breeze that was blowing was obviously tickling her flesh. “Perhaps you want to join me?”
    My first thought was that I was about to flip us both when I try to get in. This was a very large hammock, and obviously not a twenty-dollar hammock from Walmart. I removed my shoes and stepped up on the stool, and doing as she did, I sat down on the hammock and lifted my legs in.
    Once I was in the hammock, I completely understood why she had said that once you are in, you will be trapped. As she rolled over, I was slightly under her, as her left breast was pressed into my lips. I then felt the blanket come over as we were both now underneath it. From an outsider’s perspective, the white blanket on the white hammock would probably have looked more like a cocoon.
    She had wasted no time. Normally, I use my hands to support the breast to relieve the back muscles, but she had pressed the breast directly into me. She cradled my head, laying a bit on top of me. I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her in a very long snuggle. All the while, my lips were massaging her areola, as her nipple was riding up and down my tongue.
    For the first time I heard her cuss as she let out a long, “Fuuuuuck…..” She continued to verbally express her satisfaction with my suckling as we embraced under the blankets.
    The gentle breeze of the cool front was so calming. The wind slipped in beneath the hammock and through the blankets, creating a very soothing environment. I could hear the birds and the gentle sounds of nature as we snuggled. Slipping into euphoria, was certainly no challenge.
    Her breasts were exceptionally soft. The large mound of her flesh pressed into me softly, then firmer as she adjusted the pressure to her liking. It was such a comforting sensation. Though they were large and had a good amount of weight to them, the comfort that they provided is something that just cannot be easily described.
    As I continued, with her breast moving up and down with each suckle, I could feel her heart beat as my suckle adapted to match the rhythm. As I did, I could feel her breathing begin to slow as the stress in her back released. I had failed to noticed how tense her body was before, but when it finally relaxed, it was oh so obvious.
    She gently kissed my forehead as I continued to suckle at her breast. Her hands gently caressed my head as her fingers twirled my hair gently, holding me not in place, but to her heart.
    In time, she moved to allowed my lips to her right breast. But this time she was completely on top of my, pinning me down in every way. But with the blankets, the air flow, and the comfort of the hammock, it was like I was inside a giant snuggle. I massaged her back with my hands as I suckled and she continued to twirl my hair with her fingers. The breeze that was blowing could not have been at a more perfect temperature. It was cool, but not cold.
    I wish I could tell you how long I suckled at her breasts, but I cannot. It was a long time for sure. Long enough for each of us to fall asleep. During those times that I woke, or her twirling fingers woke me, I continued to suckle on the breast that was pressed into me.
    Finally, she kissed me and told me that we could have to continue another time. As she pulled back the blankets, a soft light was in the distance. I could still see the stars and the moon in the sky. I look in her eyes, “Perhaps we should watch the sun rise?

    She smiled, “Perhaps I should watch the sun rise?”
    I nodded as she welcomed my head back to her breasts, and I sucked until the light of day had appeared. Afterwards, we left the hammock and she walked me back to my truck.
    Being the free spirit and smartass she was, she left me with one statement— “Let me know if you find that Alicia chick.”

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