🔥Cozy Cafe🔥Opening Soon/Monday? 😍

Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion 🔥Cozy Cafe🔥Opening Soon/Monday? 😍

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  • #540402
    Ms.Spicy 🌶️
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Massachusetts

    We all love long cozy times and warm fires. Let’s get together 1/1 or 1:2 and destress after a long dry spell in the audio Cafe. You can bring your own fire and blankie and get comfortable. All you need is a quiet soothing voice and warm breeze that whispers relax and get comfortable. Open Weekdays US 10 AM. DM me and let the shy ones talk first or the new users to the site or the lost ones or the lonely ones.

    Disclaimer: Bad behavior leads to the Sin Bin. Bring your own fire 🔥 is a trademark of the audio cafe and no fires will be set during cozy times except perhaps a fire to be all in and fighting for your own cozy comfort!!

    Elayne (Sophia Unveiled)
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • Other Country

    Wishing you the very best with this friend, lovely initiative…I will join when I can though swamped next two weeks. Best wishes! Xxx

    Ms.Spicy 🌶️
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Massachusetts

    Thank you my dear friend, wish you all the best too. I watched some videos on the topic of divine femininity which were very interesting.

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • Massachusetts

    How do I access this cozy cafe?

    Ms.Spicy 🌶️
    • Female
    • Looking for: Male
    • USA
    • Massachusetts

    Audio Chat is always available as a feature on the home page (tap on the headset icon then after entering the room, tap 2 times in quick succession on the mic 🎙️ icon at the bottom of the screen).

    The cozy comfort part is when 1 or 2 people would like to know each other and so can DM me saying they would like a certain lady to come visit and chat with them etc. I can help as an ice breaker as needed. Just helps to keep things warm and friendly and slow to begin with or at whatever pace one prefers. I can leave the room too. My purpose there is only as a facilitator to open up conversations and make users feel heard etc. That’s the overall goal..But I have not heard from anyone other than you and 1 other person so it’s a little bit of a surprise but what can one say… people are shy I guess. Congratulations on being a trendsetter:-)

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • USA
    • New York

    Sounds like a good idea.
    Is this Monday only or any week days or anytime during week?

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