Why Giving SPACE Is Important For ALL Relationships

3 thoughts on “Why Giving SPACE Is Important For ALL Relationships”

  1. Thank you for writing that, I think that people having their own spaces besides the common ones is very important. One can always be polite and considered about it to keep the connection going.

    1. Friend, thank you so much for reading and taking the time. You know I am glad we have met here, and your comment here is valuable, communication and space and understanding how these work is what makes any relationship work, including friendships and of course respect. Wise words as always from you, sending you a hug and warm wishes your way x

  2. It’s great that this topic has arisen. Giving space is definitely important and it can, in many cases, make the relationship so much deeper if you take a step back from the close vicinity, as it were. You see things more clearly from a distance.

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