ANR/ABR in the lesbian community

Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion ANR/ABR in the lesbian community

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  • #445428
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    I gained interest in adult nursing last year when my ex and I found that this is a shared desire. I recently started to induce on my own last month. I thought to post my thoughts into a lesbian forum and the response was not so great. I expressed that it is a lonely journey, not something broached upon meeting a person, and that this journey may keep me single due to the schedule I must adhere to. Their responses were that it is a kink choice and that it’s such a straight man thing. Disheartening responses for sure. You know, the intimacy it brought me and the deep desire to have that closeness… I have never thought of this as a kink or fetish though it is that to the general public.
    Now I feel like doubt creeps in whether to really do this now on my own. I want to but there is no closeness and intimacy right now in my life. I am not actively seeking a partner or anything either. Should I wait to do this once I have one? So many thoughts. I really did think the lesbian community would understand but it may not be as open as I had hoped. Then I remember it was only one forum not the world.
    Feeling a bit unfocused with this now.

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    Inducing lactation because of your own personal desires is definitely a journey that you can embark on alone. It lends time for personal exploration and discovery. It is definitely something that many people will not understand or even welcome. A woman’s body is often only seen as a sexual organ or used for child bearing. Anything outside of these usages is deemed “kink” by mainstream. Both roles implies that it is only useful for work. However, our vessels not only produces but sustains us. There are psychological reasons and benefits that would attract a woman to inducing lactation and not solely for producing sexual gratitude for another person. I think whatever your reason to induce or not, it is valid. Maybe it is something you will do for a while or only for a brief time. Whatever it is, it is a journey of self discovery.

    • Female
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    • New Mexico

    Thank you Marie. In my past it was not a sexual act but a way to create intimacy and bond when I couldn’t be with my ex due to our living situations. I later found out I was a side chick and ended the relationship. Nonetheless, I do deeply desire that closeness again someday. Being a demi-sexual person, this goes so much further than sex for me. Thank you again for your understanding and kindness.

    Jessica 🍓🥛
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    I just love everything about this comment!
    There are so many reasons that women choose to induce lactation. I do think that there is a really large element of reclaiming our bodies and our breasts as more than the functionality it serves for someone else.
    Your explanation is so spot on.

    Jessica 🍓🥛
    • Female
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    • Oregon

    I’m pretty surprised that there would be people in the lesbian community that are so judgmental!
    I’m heterosexual myself, but there are many women in this site looking for a female partner. So, don’t give up on an ANR! There will be a a great match out there for you. In the mean time, you do what fills you with happiness and the right person will come into your life when you least expect it 🤗

    • Female
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    • New Mexico

    Thanks Jessica! Trust me it came as a surprise their lack of open mindedness. Obviously the wrong group for me and it made me feel that much more rare. It does feel really awesome to find support here! I’m happy I found this site.

    Jessica 🍓🥛
    • Female
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    • Oregon

    There are a lot of great people here. I’ve made a lot of friends on this site. It can be a really great community

    • Female
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    @teejay That’s definitely a surprise.

    It’s a straight man thing, they cry, yet many of them own strap-ons, dildos. They buy a synthetic replica of the man’s appendage. Then shame a lady who wants to use breasts according to what it says on the tin.

    There are a couple of large networks specifically for lesbians into ABF ANR. I’ve been told. 👀

    And one of my sucklers is 100% lesbian. And I get otherwise straight ladies reaching out to me. You may meet a lady who doesn’t identify as bi or lesbian but is booby fixated.

    Look past the labels and theoretical constructs and you’ll spot amazing compatible ladies.

    • Female
    • Looking for: Female
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    • Washington state

    I kind of do think you should wait for a partner. Inducing is an enormous amount of work, difficult to sustain, and pumping isn’t all that pleasant. Breastfeeding on the other hand is pure, liquid bliss. You’ll probably have a better time with a partner available.

    Just my opinion! If anyone has a lead for breastfeeding communities for gay women, please let me know 🙂

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