Building Tolerance / Bruising

Personal Ads & Forum General Discussion Building Tolerance / Bruising

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    Had my first ever nursing session (was for both of us), was fucking amazing.

    Right now she’s going to massage three a day, and I’ll go over for a Suckle session if able (many times as I can)

    Question I have is on bruising / building tolerance. We both *loved* it. Like. Way more than I thought I would despite knowing I have a fetish for it, and for her way more than she thought *she* would – which is awesome because I had to introduce this to her.

    With the bruising, I feel like we got a bit too aggressive, and that’s what caused it. She was pulling me in pretty hard at times, and she started giving me a hand job mid-way which made me get a bit more excited (lol) as well. So I’m guessing that’s the source of the bruising. Please note the bruising isn’t horrible, but it’s there

    Is the solution here to just be more gentle? Is there a breast tolerance that’s built over time for longer sessions / suckling?

    She loves breast play, hence all that happening – but the main goal here is to induce lactation, not just breast play.

    Also wanted to ask, she said her hands started to cramp while she was doing a massage session on herself. I’m guessing she should relax / not go as hard too, right?

    All in all though… Fuck yeah. This was amazing. We both felt amazing after.

    I damn near suffocated too because of her boob over my face 😂 never thought about that. Had to use a hand to open an airway/move boob aside

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    If u want to induse lactation. Make sure your latch is good and don’t over do it on suction. As this can cause thr milk ducts to collapse. But st the end of the day it’s trial and error. Feel out what works best for you. Once u build chemistry it will get better with time. If u are unsure on your latch do research. There are plenty of good resources out there.

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    Been reading a bunch, one I looked at today mentioned Hickey’s being normal, which makes sense

    She’s under the impression my face has to be fully buried / pushing the breast back all the towards the body. However as I understand it, that’s only for hand expressions and massaging

    Grogman 🚀💙
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    It’s cool that you’ve been able to experience this. Best wishes to both of you.
    I’d say adjust the strength of your latch. You don’t need to pull a golf ball through a garden hose.😜
    Being held tight is just part of the experience. Becoming one. She probably doesn’t want to smother you.😜
    Have fun and enjoy each other.

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    Thanks Grog – and yeah we think the biggest thing was her pulling / mashing me in & her being an easy bruiser, she feels I wasn’t putting too much force in.. but there shouldn’t be a hickey each time. It was only on 1 breast as well

    We’ll see! Lot of time to get a groove

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    You don’t need a lot of force or suction on the latch to induce lactation. Remember, the breasts are designed to make milk for 8 pound babies….a gentle latch and skillful use of the tongue are enough, and will avoid bruising for her and fatigue for your mouth and cheeks. Her nipples will get sore, but will build up tolerance over time. Get a good nipple cream to keep them from getting sore and chapped. Experiment with what feels good. If she wants to induce, I would suggest using a pump 6-8 times (15-20 minutes each side) a day if you aren’t available to nurse. There are some good blogs here written about both a latch and inducing schedules and tips. Good luck and have fun!

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    Just lesson the pressure on sucking. Eeek.. I grabbed my own boob, thinking about a possible tear in the It will get easier as you adjust. It will also depend on positions too. I find certain positions pull more on the breast like side by side. Especially if you get comfy and push a pillow in to support you. I notice a pull..and more of teeth in that position. 😬 lol it’s communicating with your partner. Don’t be afraid to ask them during. 😉 it’s the best way for both of you.

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    I feel like it came across as if I was sucking super hard 😂 Should have described it better.

    We plan on getting a pump too Yogi, just using herbs & ourselves in the mean time. We’re travelling soon & balancing things throughout the day/schedule is the biggest hurdle so they’d help a ton with the convenience


    If you bruised her, you had an improper latch and sucked way too hard.

    Latch should be with her nipple against the soft pallet and you compressing it with your tongue. And gentle suckling.

    She may still need nipple cream for cracking. But that might go away when her body gets used to your saliva’s acidic properties.

    May I recommend a small dental bite block in case you fall asleep. This will keep you from biting and possibly causing serious injury to her. You will have to get used to it when suckling.they have a hole to which, you can tie a length of twine in case you are prone to choking on it.

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    Trey it’s really beautiful you introduced her to this and she’s been so responsive.

    As has been mentioned, it takes time to figure out what words best for you both.

    Johnny and I have found a key thing for us to be aware of is nursing in a position where there’s no strain on either of us. That’s really important for long nursing sessions in particular.

    There’s times it feels my nipple isn’t centred due to how large breasts hang or rest in various positions, or how our bodies are lined up.

    We’ve found it’s a simple matter to pause, realign, shift gently until there’s no stain on either of us. And learning to recognize in the first few minutes when this needs done, rather than waiting until there’s a kink in someone’s neck or shoulder.

    Lots of pillows are really helpful, of a variety of sizes. Tucking a small pillow under a large breast can help line things up better, particularly when nursing side by side in bed.

    Or having the woman’s breast resting on the same pillow the man’s head on.

    It’s all about trial and error and along with incredibly bonding closeness where the world seems to stand still, we find moments of humour precious too.

    The way you described your partner pulling you into her breast made me smile and chuckle. Thanks for sharing your journey here Trey.

    All the best to you both.

    PS – something I’ve just remembered, a shower head with massage setting can be more impactful than a pump at times I’ve found. Massaging in the shower up under the armpits gets an area often forgotten during breast massage.

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    Yeah that’s what we did @#1 Steve

    Her nipple is fine, the bruise is at the bottom of her breast – not on the areola / nipple. So we don’t think any cracking will happen (hasn’t in the past/from normal play) but we’ll keep that in mind if it does

    Definitely takes time! We’re trying different positions, pillows, etc. to find what’s most comfortable. Part of the fun! Without the pillows this would be a *lot* harder lol. A small pillow under her breast is a great idea we haven’t heard before, thank you 🙂

    A shower head! That’s new too. Unfortunately she *doesn’t* have one. She’d absolutely do that if she did


    Have the nipple cream on hand. You don’t want to run to the drugstore at 2 a.m.

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    As someone who enjoys receiving breast bruises (NOT on the nipples!)… Yeah, sounds like too much suction breaking the tiny capillaries. In addition to what others have mentioned, one thing you can do is try practicing sucking your thumb. Kids do it as a comfort mechanism because it mimics nursing. You’ll get feedback by feeling how hard you’re sucking, if your teeth are grazing, etc., plus learn how to use your tongue properly. Once that becomes comfortable, you can curl your thumb and suck the 1st or 2nd knuckle as this more closely simulates a nipple and areola by having your face closer to your hand and more surface area to latch on. Hope this helps!

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    I am wondering if you were squeezing her breasts with your hands in the midst of your passion may have had a part in some or all of the bruising. Some people bruise more easily than others.

    I’ve read here and other places that for inducing it only requires about 10 minutes per breast for each session. Anything beyond 10 minutes is purely for pleasure. It would be better to have shorter 10 min sessions separated by an hour or so. Doesn’t sound like it would be nearly as enjoyable though. But all these things will soon even out and your goals will be magnified. It has been about 6 months since you posted this thread. I am sure you have already found a great and very enjoyable rhythm by now. I wish only the best for you two.

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    Yeah it was an in-the-moment thing, didn’t happen again. Thanks Sam, wish the best for you too 👊

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