ABF Information

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  • #1963
    Jack B
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    I found this website/blog and thought it would be interesting for group members: –


    That’s actually really interesting with the stuff about how adults latch

    Jack B
    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    Yes it is Emma, I think few men really know how to.


    I know about helping babies to latch on but the main things used to help babies latch wouldn’t work for an adult. We always say they have to open their mouths as wide as possible and then the latch reflex does the rest but obviously those things are relevant for big people

    • Male
    • Looking for: Female
    • United Kingdom

    I’ve learned from personal experience that suckling is natural, instinctive, something hard-wired into us from birth – it certainly helps to know the basics in advance, but once you actually do it for yourself, your maternal instincts will wake up and guide you.
    The first time I ever dry suckled, I was nervous about being unsure how to latch on and suckle properly. I knew the key is to draw the whole nipple into your mouth, so it touches the roof between the rough front and the soft back close to the top of the throat. Once I had done so, I soon found myself suckling away using my tongue in a rhythmic movement, just as if I’d nursed before or always knew how to do it.

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